This trophy whitetail destination is nothing short of amazing with its majestic deer and luxurious accommodations - we welcome you here at Apple Creek Whitetails Ranch. Hunt with the weapon of your choice in August for trophy bucks in velvet and September through January for hard-horned trophy whitetails.
Apple Creek Whitetails is located in Gillett, Wisconsin. We are the largest whitetail deer breeding farm and hunting ranch in the United States. We utilize our whitetail deer in everything we do. We offer 3-Day Trophy Whitetail Hunts from 160" - 350"+ Class Whitetails. We make handcrafted furniture, jewelry, home décor and clothing from byproducts of our farming operation. We sell wildlife art in our art gallery featuring "Apple Creek" by Joan White. We have a cooking line of spices and seasonings blended just for wild game and other great tasting meats. We also offer hunting and outdoor gear in our pro shop collection.